Mosquitoes Book - SPRINGER- Offer for contributors

Mosquitoes Book Cover

We are happy to present to you the 3rd edition of a unique book on mosquitoes IdentificationEcology and Control called “Mosquitoes” by Springer publications.

  • Presents a multitude of information on bionomics, systematics, ecology and control of both pestiferous (nuisance) and disease vectors mosquitoes
  • Contains revised and new data, for instance on Zika outbreak, autochthonous Dengue, Chikungunya and Malaria in Europe
  • Provides an overview on how global warming affects vector species and associated diseases with relevance for human health

Book authors and journal contributors (e.g. Parasitology Research, Parasites & Vectors, Systematic Parasitology, Medical Microbiology and Immunology, etc.) are entitled to order Springer eBooks and print books at a 40% discount for personal use here

You can check more info for the book here and at the attached flyer.