Detection of a new Aedes invasive species reported in Europe - Aedes flavopictus, Netherlands, June 2019

On 13 June 2019, in a sample of mosquitoes captured in the province of Flevoland, the Netherlands during routine surveillance, a specimen was recognised as potentially belonging to an exotic species. Based on the molecular analysis of the specimen, we concluded that it belonged to Aedes flavopictus (Yamada, 1921). To our knowledge, this is both the first time that this species has been reported outside its area of origin in north-east Asia and associated with the import of used tyres.

Publication: Complex interplay of evolutionary forces shaping population genomic structure of invasive Aedes albopictus in southern Europe

Studying the genomes of invasive populations allows for the tracing of invasion processes.  In this study, the authors have focused on the invasion of Albania, Italy and Greece by the Asian tiger mosquito,Aedes albopictus' one of the most successful invasive animal species worldwide.

Latest AIM-COST publication outlining arboviral screening of invasive Aedes species in Northern Turkey

Akiner et el PLOS NTDThe recent reports of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus populations in Turkey, in parallel with the territorial expansion identified in several surrounding countries, have raised concerns about the establishment and re-establishment of these invasive Aedes mosquitoes in Turkey. This cross-sectional study was performed to detect Aedes aegypti and Ae.

AIM COST Questionnaire on Guidelines for Aedes Mosquito Surveillance and Control

We have now received 115 answers. Thank you very much to all who replied. A workshop was held in Brussels on the 1-2 April to discuss the way forward. The minutes are linked below. Analysis has begun on the questionnaire We will post a summary of the preliminary findings in the near future. We plan to re-open the questionnaire at some point in the future for additional responses from ECDC country focal points and from contacts suggested by questionnaire respondents.