AIM-COST Guideline list

Title Agency Country/ Local unit Authors (main) Date of publication Language
The biology of mosquitoes. Vol 1 - Development, Nutrition and Reproduction; Vol 2 - Sensory Reception and Behaviour: Vol 3 - Transmission of Viruses and Interactions with Bacteria   International Clements A.N. 1992-1999-2011 English
Mosquito ecology. Field sampling methods   International Service M.W. 1993 English
Udhëzues mbi kontrollin e vektorëve dhe brejtësve në Shqipëri [Vector and rodent control in Albania] Institute of Public Health Albania Velo, E., Rogozi, E. Tafaj. L & Bino S. 2013 Albanian
Koordination der Überwachung und Bekämpfung der Asiatischen Tigermücke und anderer invasiver gebietsfremder Mücken in der Schweiz / Coordination du contrôle et de la lutte contre le moustique tigre asiatique et d'autres moustiques exotiques invasifs présents en Suisse Federal Office for the Environment Switzerland Engeler L., Suter T., Flacio E., Tonolla M. & Müller P. 2019 French, German
Aedes albopictus in Deutschland - Aktionsplan für den Umgang mit der Asiatischen Tigermücke [Aedes albopictus in Germany - Action plan for dealing with the Asian tiger mosquito] Nationale Expertenkommission „Stechmücken als Überträger von Krankheitserregern“, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut Germany   2016


Summary in English

Aedes albopictus in Deutschland - Handlungsbedarf und -optionen im Umgang mit der Asiatischen Tigermücke [Aedes albopictus in Germany – Call for action and options regarding Asian tiger mosquitoes] Nationale Expertenkommission „Stechmücken als Überträger von Krankheitserregern“, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut Germany   2016


Summary in English

Field sampling methods for mosquitoes, sandflies, biting midges and ticks – VectorNet project 2014–2018 ECDC & EFSA International Medlock J., Balenghien T., Alten B., Versteirt V. & Schaffner F. 2018 English
Guidelines for the surveillance of invasive mosquitoes in Europe ECDC International Schaffner F., Bellini R., Petrić D. & E.-J. Scholte  2012 English
Guidelines for the surveillance of native mosquitoes in Europe ECDC International Schaffner F., Versteirt V. & J. Medlock 2014 English
Vector control with a focus on Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes: Literature review and analysis  ECDC International Bazian Ltd 2017 English
Field sampling methods for mosquitoes, sandflies, biting midges and ticks – VectorNet project 2014–2018 EFSA & ECDC International Medlock J., Balenghien T., Alten B., Versteirt V. & Schaffner F. 2018 English
Guidelines for the control of mosquitoes of public health importance in Europe EMCA & WHO Regional Office for Europe International Lüthy P., Becker N:, Edjov M. & R. Velayudhan  2013 English
Avis révisé de l’Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail relatif à « l’analyse de la stratégie de lutte anti-vectorielle (LAV) mise en œuvre à La Réunion depuis 2017 » Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (ANSES) France   2018 French
Guide à l'attention des collectivités souhaitant mettre en œuvre une lutte contre les moustiques urbains vecteurs de dengue, de chikungunya et de Zika Centre national
d’expertise sur les vecteurs (CNEV)
France Dehecq J.-S., Eritja R., Etienne M., Foussadier R., Jourdain, F. Paupy C., Perrin Y & F. Walicki 2016 French
Guide relatif aux modalités de mise en œuvre du plan anti-dissémination du chikungunya et de la dengue en métropole French Ministry in charge of Health France   2015 French
Σχέδιο διαχείρισης των διαβιβαστών σε περίπτωση κρούσματος Δάγκειου πυρετού, λοίμωξης από ιό Chikungunya ή Ζika. [Response vector management plan in case of dengue fever, chikungunya or Zika virus infection] Hellenic Ministry of Health Greece   2016


Summary in English

«Προγράμματα καταπολέμησης των κουνουπιών, σχέδιο δράσης, σχετική ενημέρωση και προφύλαξη του κοινού για το έτος 2020» Hellenic Ministry of Health Greece      
Προγράμματα καταπολέμησης των κουνουπιών, σχέδιο δράσης, σχετική ενημέρωση και προφύλαξη του κοινού για το έτος 2019. [Mosquito control programme, action plan and relevant public awarness and precaution for 2019] Hellenic Ministry of Health Greece   2019


Summary in English

Σχέδιο Δράσης για την αντιμετώπιση της Ελονοσίας «ΜΕΡΟΠΗ» [National management plan for malaria] Hellenic Ministry of Health Greece   2015 Greek
Módszertani Levele – A Szúnyogok Elleni Védekezésröl [Methodological letter – On the control of mosquitoes] Béla Johan National Centre for Epidemiology Hungary Zöldi V., Erdös G., Szlobodnyit J. & Gálffy G. 2005 Hungarian, Summary in English
Prevention and management of insecticide resistance in vectors of public health importance Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) International IRAC Public Health team 2011 English
Zanzare e altri insetti: impara a difenderti - Per una strategia integrata di lotta alle zanzare, 2019 - Linee guida per gli operatori dell'Emilia-Romagna. [Integrated mosquito control startegy, 2019 - Guidelines for operators in the Emilia-Romagna region] Regione Emilia-Romagna Italy/Emilia-Romagna Lucarelli A., Soricelli, E., et al. 2019 Italian, Summary in English
Piano Regionale di Sorveglianza e Controllo delle Arbovirosi - Anno 2019 [Emilia-Romagna regional plan for the surveillance and control of arboviruses] Regione Emilia-Romagna Italy/Emilia-Romagna   2019


Summary in English

Linee guida per il controllo di Culicidi potenziali vettori di arbovirus in Italia [Guidelines for control of potential arbovirus mosquito vectors in Italy] Istituto Superiore di Sanità Italy Romi R., Toma L., Severini F., Di Luca M., Boccolini D., Ciufolini M. G., Nicoletti L. & G. Majori 2009 Italian
Piano di Sorveglianza e risposta al virus
della West Nile e Usutu - Regione Lazio - 2019
[Surveillance and response plan for West Nile and Usutu – Lazio Region – 2019
Regione Lazio Italy Ippolito G., Vario F., Ferraro F., et al. 2019


Summary in English

Sorveglianza e controllo delle arbovirosi trasmesse da zanzare (Aedes sp.) con particolare riferimento a virus Chikungunya, Dengue e virus Zika - Regione Lazio, 2018 [Surveillance and control of arboviruses transmitted by mosquito (Aedes sp.) in particular chikungunya, dengue and Zika – Lazio Region, 2018] Gruppo Regionale Arbovirosi Italy   2018 Italian, Summary in English
Piano nazionale integrato di sorveglianza e risposta ai virus West Nile e Usutu - 2017. [Integrated National Surveillance and Response Plan for West Nile and Usutu viruses - 2017] Ministerio della Salute Italy   2018 Italian
Piano Nazionale di sorveglianza e risposta alle arbovirosi trasmesse da zanzare invasive (Aedes sp.) con particolare riferimento ai virus Chikungunya, Dengue e Zika - 2018 Ministero della Salute Italy   2018 Italian
Piano nazionale di prevenzione, sorveglianza e risposta alle arbovirosi (PNA) 2020-2025 Ministerio della Salute Italy   2019 Italian
Piano per il controllo della zanzara tigre in provencia di Trento Provincia Autonoma di Trento Italy/Trento Manica M., Arnoldi D., Delucchi L. et al. 2018 Italian
Practical management plan for invasive mosquito species in Europe: I. Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) LIFE CONOPS International Bellini R, Michaelakis A., Petrić D., Schaffner F. et al. 2020 English, Annex
Manuel de la gestion intégrée de la lutte antivectorielle. 1-Processus d'implantation. 2- Outils techniques de la lutte antivectorielle. Direction de l’Epidémiologie et de Lutte contre les Maladies, Ministère de la Santé Morocco Comité Technique intersectoriel de la GILAV 2012


(1) , (2)

Vondst exotische mug: Wat nu? [The Finding of an Exotic Mosquito: What to do?] Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) Netherlands   2014 Dutch, Summary in English
Beleid bij exotische steekmuggen in Nederland [Policy on exotic mosquitoes in the Netherlands.] Rijksinstituut voor Volks-gezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) Netherlands Raven C.H.F., Backx A. & Jacobi A.J. 2013 Dutch, Summary in English
Bestrijding van inheemse muggen in Nederland [The control of native mosquitoes in the Netherlands] Rijksinstituut voor Volks-gezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) Netherlands Braks M.A.H. & Stroo C.J. 2016 Dutch
Plano nacional de prevenção e controlo de doenças transmitidas por vetores [National Plan for the Prevention and Control of Vector-Borne Diseases] Direçao-Geral da Saúde Portugal   2016 Portuguese, Summary in English
Контроль численности кровососущих комаров р. Culex, места выплода которых находятся в населенных пунктах [Control of the abundance of blood-sucking mosquitoes of the genus Culex, of which the breeding sites are located in settlements] Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Right Protection and Human Wellbeing Russia Ganushkina L., Dremova V., Sergiev V. et al.  2009 Russian, Summary in English
Мероприятия по борьбе с лихорадкой Западного Нила на территории Российской Федерации [Activities to control West Nile fever in the Russian Federation] Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Right Protection and Human Wellbeing Russia   2010 Russian
Малярийные комары и борьба с ними на территории Российской Федерации [Malaria mosquitoes and their control in the Russian Federation] Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Right Protection and Human Wellbeing Russia Artemiev M., Baranova A., Ganushkina L. et al. 2000 Russian
Организация и проведение мероприятий по энтомологическому мониторингу и регуляции численности кровососущих комаров Aedes aegypti и Aedes albopictus [Organising and conducting activities for the entomological monitoring and regulation of the number of blood-sucking mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus] Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Right Protection and Human Wellbeing Russia Popova A., Ezhlova E., Demina Yu. et al. 2016 Russian
Control integral de mosquitos en Huelva. Estudio ecologica de las poblaciones larvarias Direccion General de Atencion Primaria y Promocion de la Salud Spain/ Andalucia López Sánchez S. et al. 1989 Spanish
Guía uía para la gestión de mosquitos y simúlidos Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Sanidad Ambiental (ANECPLA) Spain Aranda C., Bravo D., Bueno R., et al. 2018 Spanish
Estratègia per a la prevenció i el control del mosquit tigre a Catalunya Comissió Interinstitucional per a la Prevenció i Control del Mosquit Tigre a Catalunya Spain/ Catalonia   2011 Catalan
Protocol per a la vigilància i el control de les arbovirosis importades transmeses per mosquits a Catalunya [Protocol for the surveillance and control of arboviruses transmitted by mosquitoes in Catalonia] Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya (ASPCAT) Spain/ Catalonia Aranda C., Busquets N., Eritja R., et al. 2019 Catalan, Summary in English
Plan nacional de preparación y respuesta frente a enfermedades transmitidas por vectores - Parte I: Dengue, Chikungunya y Zika [The Spanish National Plan for Preparation and Response to Diseases Transmitted by Vectors - Part I: Dengue, Chikunguya y Zika] Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad Spain Andradas Aragonés E. et al. 2016 Spanish, Summary in English
Guidance for surveillance of and response to invasive Aedes mosquitoes and dengue, chikungunya, and Zika in California California Department of Public Health USA/ California   2019 English
Guidelines for Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Surveillance and Insecticide Resistance Testing in the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention International   2016 English
Integrated Mosquito Management for Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes - Zika virus Centers for Disease Control and Prevention International   2019 English
Surveillance and Control of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention International   2017 English
Manual on prevention of establishment and control of mosquitoes of public health importance in the WHO European Region (with special reference to invasive mosquitoes) WHO Regional Office for Europe International Takken W. & H. van den Berg 2019 English
Regional framework for surveillance and control of invasive mosquito vectors and re-emerging vector-borne diseases 2014–2020 WHO Regional Office for Europe International van den Berg H., Velayudhan
R. & M. Ejov
2013 English, Russian
Training curriculum on invasive mosquitoes and (re-)emerging vector-borne diseases in the WHO European Region WHO Regional Office for Europe International van den Berg H. & Schaffner F.  2016 English, Russian
Zika virus - Technical Report WHO Regional Office for Europe International Acosta C. & Pires J. 2016 English
Comprehensive guidelines for prevention and control of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever WHO  Regional Office for South-East Asia International   2011 English
Dengue: guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control WHO/TDR International   2009 English
A review of entomological sampling methods and indicators for dengue vectors UNICEF/UNDP/WORLD BANK/WHO - Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) International Focks, D.A. 2003 English
Guidelines for dengue surveillance and mosquito control WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific International   2003 English
Public health significance of urban pests WHO Regional Office for Europe International Bonnefoy X., Kampen H. & K. Sweeney 2008 English
Communication for behavioural impact (‎COMBI)‎: a toolkit for behavioural and social communication in outbreak response WHO/FAO/UNICEF International   2012 English, French
Global vector control response 2017–2030 WHO/TDR International   2017 Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Russian
Handbook for integrated vector management WHO International   2012 English
International health regulations (2005) WHO International   2016 Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Russian
Space spray application of insecticides for vector and public health pest control - A practitioner’s guide WHOPES International   2003 English, Spanish
Vector surveillance and control at ports, airports, and ground crossings WHO International   2016 English, Turkish